Monday, November 13, 2006
El disco de sin bandera PASADO salio apenas unas semanas, hice las fotos del arte del disco y desarrolle el concepto junto con Leonel y Noel (sin bandera), Veronique Ricardoni y Martin Sanchez (los dos de warp zone design, picnic).
En realidad son dos discos que estan ligados y que en algun momento se pensó que salieran juntos, uno, el primero que salio fue MANIANA, con canciones originales, y el que acaba de salir es PASADO con covers de la musica que los influyo.
la idea es que al juntar las dos portadas (el booklet de maniana viene al reves) se hace una fotos donde ellos estan viendo para dos lados y en la ventana esta la misma persona, en una es ninia y en la otra ya esta grande (esta casa esta en la colonia roma, la calle de puebla para ser exactos), al abrir los booklets encontrados las fotos de uno se complementan con el otro.
Al juntar las portadas se crea la palabra PASADO MANIANA, lo que se crea al poner lo que les influyo con lo que crean que a su vez influenciara a alguien mas en el futuro.
Sin bandera’s cd PASADO came out a couple of weeks ago, i did the photos for the cd and also developed the concept with leonel and noel (sin bandera, and veronique ricardoni and martin sanchez from warp zone design and picnic magazine.
They are actually two records that are united by their concept, they were thought at first to came out at the same time but then that changed, the first one came like a year ago, the name is MANIANA (tomorrow) with new songs, and the one that just came out is PASADO(past) with covers of the songs that influenced them.
The idea is that you can put the two covers (the MANIANA one is backwards) the you can see two houses of the same type one older than the other, in the older one you can see a little girl and in the other one you can see the same girl but grown up (the houses are in la colonia roma in mexico city), when you put together both booklets they complement each other.
They make the phase PASADO MANIANA (that means the day after tomorrow), what influenced them to make new music that will influence someone else in the future.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Tearsheets de las fotos que hice para la revista de cine pop corn.
Tearsheets of the photos i did for the movie magazine pop corn in Mexico city.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Finalmente salio el disco de Kalimba, artista de SONY BMG, hize las fotos para el arte pero no las podia subir hasta que el disco estuviera a la venta.
Finally Kalimba's CD is out, he is a SONY BMG artist, i did the photos for the cover but i wasn't able to upload them 'till the record was out.
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